The conquest
of happiness
Bertrand Russell
Russell (1872 - 1970). Was Philosopher,
mathematician, pacifist, prolific letter writer, known intellectual
figures of author and columnist, Bertrand Russell was one of the most
influential and widely the twentieth century. In 1950 he was awarded
the Noble Prize for Literature in 1950 for his extensive
contributions to world literature and for his "rationality and
humanity, as a fearless champion of free speech and free thought in
the West."
conquest of happiness is a book that was
publicated in 1930 and is about an analysis clear and pleasant
about the facts that make us unhappy and the ones that make us happy
and is not a book about self-help even though it seems by the name.
Russell that was a great mind explains the subject of the book in a
ironic way, he is splendid in the most part of his thoughts.
difficult to make a selection of phrases or words to be emphasized
because almost all the text deserved to be underline. For Russell one
the reasons of happiness consist in the high expectations that we
have in our lives. It means that not every day can be full of intense
and exciting moments that make us feel totally happy or in joy . At
this point is very important that education of children to be ready
from infant to this reality. As Russell himself says
capacity to endure a more or less monotonous life is one which should
be acquired in childhood. Modern parents are greatly to blame in this
respect; they provide their children with far too many passive
amusements, such as shows and good things to eat, and they do not
realize the importance to a child of having one day like another,
except, of course, for
rare occasions.”
talks us about a happiness that is outside,
and the best recipe is not make harm to any body and try to have
occupations that fill our time and stimulate to make things better,
he says “The secret of happiness is this: let your interests be as
wide as possible, and let your reactions to the things and persons
that interest you be as far as possible friendly rather than
Russell also writes about things that cause
unhappiness and as the author himself explains having no outside
cause, are all the more upset since they seem to have no solution.
Russell proposes answers for the everyday happiness that every human
being is bound to suffer. His chapters include Envy (the greatest of
human passions, according to him), Persecution Mani , Family, Work,
and so on. A few things in the book must be taken with a grain of
salt; however, I fell that on the whole Russell hits the nail on the
head and offers us a work that is part philosophy, part psychology,
and very effective in doing what it proposes. The second part of the
book contains chapters that explain the cause of happiness, and how
one can attain it. chapters like, Is happiness still possible?, Zest,
Affection, The family, Work, Impersonal interests, Effort and
resignation, The happy man, this chapter give us a perspective of how
can we reach happiness and the different meanings of this word for
the people, Russell explains how in healthy life must have a
equilibrium between different activities in order to give a balance
to a our health, incomes, study, work, and religion . In the end,
the book is a bit more about human nature, and realizing that a book
that was written so long ago is incredibly current- he truth that
human nature never changes, Russell talks about the happy man is the
one who can live in a objective way and certain things are
indispensable to the happiness of most men, but these are simple
things: food and shelter, health, love, successful work.
The happy
man is the man who does not suffer from either of these failures of
unity, whose personality is neither divided against itself nor pitted
against the world
book can help us to think and open the eyes
to things that may be we don´t stopped to think, in order to
eliminate those obstacles, almost the time imposed in every one ,
that stop us from being really happy
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